Inauguration of Central Warehouse Complex at Tata Steel Jamshedpur Works
The Central Warehouse complex was built, spending Rs. 200 crores, located centrally inside the Jamshedpur works. The location was selected to enable all incoming vehicles to enter the Jamshedpur works, via the JMD gate, using the marine drive. This has helped to avoid all incoming vehicles to come into the city.
The complex was inaugurated by Dr. Petrus Blauwhoff, Independent Director, Tata Steel on 3rd March '18. It is designed for better utilization of vertical space up to 12 meters high, benchmark with warehouses of industries like FMCG, 3 PL Logistic etc. This is supported by material handling equipment for safe handling of materials inside the warehouse. Technology like radio frequency based shuttle and multitier drive-in system are used to enable 100% FIFO implementation in the warehouse.
The warehouse has been digitalized by implementing SAP (Extended Warehouse Management) module to improve productivity, traceability and ease of working.
About Tata Steel
Tata Steel Limited is proposing, subject to market conditions and other considerations, a rights issue of its ordinary shares and has filed a Letter of Offer with SEBI and the Stock Exchanges. The Letter of Offer is available on the website of SEBI at and the websites of the Lead Managers to the Issue at,,, and Investors should note that investment in equity shares involves a high degree of risk and are requested to refer to the section titled "Risk Factors" on page 11 of the Letter of Offer for details of the same. The securities offered via the Letter of Offer are not being offered to investors outside of India and recipients of the Letter of Offer should refer to the offering restrictions noted therein.