We have provided accessibility tools on our website that will ease user experience. The Accessibility tool will help you to increase/decrease font size, change different contrast scheme on our website.
You can locate accessibility tools at the extreme right at the top of our website.
If you have low vision, colour vision, you can increase the font size of the text and can opt for a different contrast scheme throughout our website. You can do this by clicking the accessibility tools icon at the extreme right at the top of our website and choose from the different font sizes and different color contrasts.
Further you can select text to speak it. Additionally, you can turn ON/OFF the text-to-audio functionality in the website for the text to speak it. If you are not able to see images/pictures properly on the website you can hover on the images to listen to the image description.
If you have selected the text to speak and you no longer want to listen to an audio, you can click on the Cancel Audio button located on the right-hand side and it will stops playing the speech.
At any point, you can click the ‘Reset’ button (below the font size options) to set the website back to its default mode.
We have provided accessibility tools on our website that will ease user experience. The Accessibility tool will help you to increase/decrease font size, change different contrast scheme on our website.
You can locate accessibility tools at the extreme right at the top of our website.
If you have colour vision deficiency, you can opt for a different contrast scheme on our website. You can do this by clicking the accessibility tools icon at the extreme right at the top of our website and choose from the different color contrasts.
Additionally, you can turn ON/OFF the text-to-audio functionality in the website for the text to speak it. If you are not able to see images/pictures properly on the website you can hover on the images to listen to the image description.
At any point, you can click the ‘Reset’ button (below the font size options) to set the website back to its default mode.
If you have any kind of hearing impairment such as partial or complete hearing loss, you will be able to see the transcripts/captions (sub-titles) for all the videos on our website and view along. You can do this by clicking on the ‘cc’ option on the bottom right side of the video box.
For any other kind of hearing impairment, you will be able to see the transcripts/captions (sub-titles) for all the videos on our website and view along.
An enduring legacy of giving back to society and a commitment to inclusive growth.
At Tata Steel, our community-centric initiatives emphasise the spread of quality education, healthcare and sustainable livelihood opportunities in all our operating locations in India and globally. We empower communities through agriculture development and market linkages, skill development of youth, promoting entrepreneurship and preservation of ethnicity and culture of indigenous communities.
Balancing economic prosperity, environmental responsibility and social benefits for the community are the rules by which Tata Steel operates.
In India, we are partnering with our community and all other stakeholders in our journey towards a sustainable tomorrow.
We endeavour to preserve and promote tribal culture and heritage through various initiatives including tribal leadership programme, Samvaad tribal conclave, tribal language centres, curated tribal literature programmes, imparting training on tribal musical instruments and documenting stories of tribal legacy. In healthcare, we partner with governments and independent organisations worldwide to work towards improving the overall health and hygiene of the community in and around areas where we operate.
Tata Steel Thailand is one of the first 30 companies that joined UNICEF in Child Friendly Business in “The Children Sustainability Forum” to make a commitment in protecting children's rights.
Tata Steel Europe’s Community Partnership Programme ‘Future Generations’, with sub-themes of education, environment, health and well-being, works across the UK, assisting job and wealth creation by supporting small and medium businesses with finance and business premises. click here to know more about Tata Steel UK and Tata Steel Nederland