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Tata Steel Family Initiatives Foundation observes World Contraception Day

September 26, 2011

World Contraception Day (WCD) is a worldwide campaign with a vision for a world where every pregnancy is wanted. Its mission is to improve awareness of contraception to enable young people to make informed decisions on sexual and reproductive health. WCD was launched in 2007 and is held on 26 September each year.

This year’s theme is "Live Your Life. Know your rights. Learn about contraception."

TSFIF Works to Improve Access to Contraceptives

Tata Steel Family Initiatives Foundation has been working towards curbing population control since 1950s and joined this campaign on 26th September, 2011 in collaboration with DIMPA prog of USAID.

Modern contraception offers tremendous benefits through improved health and economic well-being. Helping women and men achieve their reproductive goals relies on three critical policy and programmatic steps:

  1. Having the right quantity and combination of products in facilities to serve clients' needs

  2. Using a well-functioning distribution system to get supplies to the right locations and on schedule

  3. Ensuring adequate funding to purchase needed supplies and to keep facilities operating.

Dr. B. K. Choudhary, President of Jamshedpur Obstetrics and Gynecological Society was Chief Guest for the occasion.

Dr P.C.Mahapatra, Administrator, TSFIF, Dr Pushpa Tiwari, Jt. Administrator, TSFIF and other officers and staff were present in the programme.

Programme Schedule:

Welcome Address Dr P.C.Mahapatra
Significance of the day Dr Pushpa Tiwari
Address by DIMPA Representative Mr. Viresh Nukkad Natak
Address by Chief Guest
Vote of Thanks
Dr B.K.Choudhury