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Tata Steel’s Q3 FY18 Key Production and Sales Figure (Final)

Mumbai, January 12, 2018

Production and Sales Performance

All Figures are in million tonnes




Year till Date

  Items Q3 FY’17
Q2 FY’18
Q3 FY’18
Apr-Dec FY’17
Apr-Dec FY’18
India Production 3.16 3.03 3.26 8.22 9.24
Sales 2.99 3.08 3.30 7.76 9.12
Europe Production 2.64 2.60 2.67 7.94 8.06
Sales 2.33 2.60 2.39 7.08 7.38
South-East Asia Production 0.58 0.61 0.56 1.68 1.67
Sales 0.65 0.67 0.62 1.95 1.89

Note1: Production Numbers: India and South East Asia - Saleable Steel Production, Europe production - Liquid Steel Production
Note2: The Q3 FY17 production number for India and 9M FY17 production and sales numbers for South-East Asia were erroneously reported in the provisional press release dated January 5, 2018.

Key Highlights: Tata Steel India

a) Tata Steel Jamshedpur

  • Sinter Plants achieved best-ever Q3 production of 2.13 million tonnes in FY18 (Previous best was 2.09 million tonnes in Q3 FY17).
  • Pellet Plant achieved best-ever Q3 production of 1.7 million tonnes in FY18 (Previous best was 1.64 million tonnes in Q3 FY17).
  • Blast Furnaces achieved lowest best-ever Q3 Coke Rate of 344 kg/thm (Previous best was 361 kg/thm in Q3 FY17) and highest best-ever Q3 Coal Injection Rate of 189 kg/thm in FY18 (Previous best was 180 kg/thm in Q3 FY17).

b) Tata Steel Kalinganagar

  • Successfully ramped-up to 100% capacity utilisation for commercial saleable steel production.
  • Blast Furnaces achieved Fuel Rate of 541 kg/thm in the month of December 2017.

c) Sales Highlights

    • Achieved best ever quarterly sales of 3.3 million tonnes in Q3 FY18 (Previous best was 3.2 million tonnes in Q4 FY17); grew by 7% QoQ and 10% YoY.
    • Achieved 2X growth YoY in Engineering segment of the Industrial Products & Construction business.
    • Achieved highest ever quarterly sales in ‘Automotive & Special Products’ segment with a growth of 6% QoQ and 26% YoY.
    • Achieved highest ever quarterly sales in ‘Branded Products and Retail Solutions’ segment with a growth of 10% on both QoQ and YoY.

d) Awards & Recognitions

      • One of the top 26 most innovative companies in India at the CII Industrial Innovation Awards 2017.
      • ‘Steel industry website of the year’ award at the 8th Steelie Awards ceremony organised during the World Steel Association’s General Assembly in Brussels.

Key Highlights: Tata Steel Europe

      • Deliveries were lower on QoQ basis due to seasonality; however, Q3 FY18 production began to show improvements following planned annual maintenance shutdowns.

Key Highlights: South East Asia

      • SCSC (Siam Construction Steel Company), a subsidiary of Tata Steel Thailand received 'Green Mining Awards 2017' from the Department of Primary Industries and Mines, Thailand.
      • The volumes in South East Asia were impacted by seasonality.

About Tata Steel

Tata Steel Group is among the top global steel companies with an annual crude steel capacity of 27.5 million tonnes per annum (MTPA) as on March 31, 2017. It is the a geographically-diversified steel producer, with operations in 26 countries and a commercial presence in over 50 countries. The Group recorded a consolidated turnover of US $18.12 billion (INR 117,420 crore) in FY17. Tata Steel Group is spread across five continents with an employee base of nearly 70,000 employees as of March 31, 2017. Having bagged the Deming Application Prize and Deming Grand Prize for continuous improvement in 2008 and 2012 respectively, Tata Steel has now been recognised as the global ‘Industry Leader’ in ‘Steel category’ by Dow Jones Sustainability Index (2015). Besides being a member of the World Steel Climate Action Programme, Tata Steel has also been felicitated with several awards including the Prime Minister’s Trophy for the best performing integrated steel plant for 2015-16, ‘Best Risk Management Practice’ in the metals and mining category at the India Risk Management Awards 2017, ‘Best-in-class Manufacturing’ award from TIME India (2016) and the ‘Most Ethical Company’ award from the Ethisphere Institute (2016), IIM Sustainability Award (2015), among several others.

Statements in this press release describing the Company’s performance may be “forward looking statements” within the meaning of applicable securities laws and regulations. Actual results may differ materially from those directly or indirectly expressed, inferred or implied. Important factors that could make a difference to the Company’s operations include, among others, economic conditions affecting demand/supply and price conditions in the domestic and overseas markets in which the Company operates, changes in or due to the environment, Government regulations, laws, statutes, judicial pronouncements and/or other incidental factors.
