Jamshedpur Gets #GoGreenSignal: An initiative by Tata Tiscon
TATA Tiscon is an eco-friendly brand which strives to foster sustainable construction practices. Year after year, World Environment Day has been an important date for TATA Tiscon and it has been doing various drives to support the larger cause of making the planet greener. However, this year, TATA Tiscon sought to do something truly unique and ground breaking to mark the occasion and raise awareness in a way that is deeply rooted in the daily habits of one and all.

The idea stemmed from the insight that during our daily commute, all of us pause at the traffic signals and wait for the green arrow to go ahead. The team at Tata Tiscon thought of capitalising this fact and attempt to change behavior through driving awareness on an every day basis. That is how the initiative “#GoGreenSignal” was conceived to encourage people to pause for a moment in their busy urban lives and spare a thought for the environment. So, on the occasion of World Environment Day this year, Tata Tiscon turned the traffic signals in the Tata Steel Plant and in the city of Jamshedpur into #GoGreenSignal. The straight green arrow, which shows the way to go straight, was changed into a green tree symbol signifying the environmental aspect of going green in the most unique way. The traffic signals at Bistupur, Beldih and General Office were turned into #GoGreenSignal and took the commuters by a pleasant surprise on 5th June morning. Many signals inside the Tata Steel plant were also changed to this green tree symbol so as to spread the awareness.
This initiative was formally launched inside the Tata Steel Plant on 5th June in the presence of departmental heads and plant teams along with the central marketing team of Tata Tiscon. These included Mr Goutam Mukherjee (Chief – Wire Rod Mill), Mr Ramesh Shankar (Head – New Bar Mill), Mr Praveen Kumar Yadav (Head - Security Works), Mr Amitabh Singh (Senior Manager – Road Management), Mr S Karthik Narayanan (Head of Marketing – Tata Tiscon) and Mr Pawan Kumar (Senior Brand Manager – Tata Tiscon). Right after this, the team went on to launch the initiative at the prime Bistupur traffic signal which was done in the presence of Mr Kulvin Suri (Chief – Corporate Communication).
In addition to this initiative, Tata Tiscon is doing various other activities to spread the word and raise awareness about the aspect of going green. A group of volunteers has been put together who would go around the town in cycles and meet the citizens of Jamshedpur making them aware of this initiative. Inside the plant, small groups of volunteers are meeting plant workers across departments and involving them to show solidarity to this initiative. Many other activities are being planned by Tata Tiscon to make the month of June as an Environment Month.