Tata Steel Noamundi organizes agriculture meet “Vaarta” for farmers
With a view to guide the local farmers about the latest agricultural and related practices and empower them with know-how, Tata Steel at Noamundi organized a two-day agriculture meet “Vaarta” for farmers. The event concluded today at Sports Complex, Noamundi amidst huge gathering of farmers, researchers, scientists and facilitators from Tata Steel Rural Development Society.

More than 350 famers from Noamundi and Katamati area gathered for the event. The event was inaugurated by Mr Pankaj Satija, General Manager (OMQ), Tata Steel on December 21, 2016 and concluded with felicitation of progressive farmers by Mr Satija.
The event emphasized on productivity improvement in agriculture and allied activities, promotion of upland farming, lac farming as the alternative source of income, animal husbandry and benefits of multi-cropping. To orient and educate the farmers, specialists, scientists and resource persons were invited from institutes. The sessions on various aspects of agriculture and allies activities were conducted by Dr Pramod Kumar, , Scientist, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Jagganathpur; Dr Arshad, Scientist, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Jagganathpur; Dr Kiran Singh, Scientist, Krishi Vigan Kendra , Sareikela; Dr Yogesh, Senior Scientist, Central Upland Rice Research Institute, Hazaribagh; Dr S Swain, Consultant, Orissa State Livelihood Promotion Society , Bhubaneswar and Dr Jaganath Hembrom, In-charge Malnutrition Treatment Centre, Chaibasa. To encourage and educate farmers, various stalls were set-up to showcase agriculture and farming related materials.

Speaking on the occasion, Mr Satija said: “Agriculture, forestry and fisheries depend heavily on biodiversity and its components and also impact biodiversity in various direct and indirect ways. We are committed to the conservation, enhancement and restoration of biodiversity in our areas of operation.”
Mr Debdoot Mahanty, Head, Corporate Social Responsibility (Jharkhand), Tata Steel said: I am sure that the farmers who participated in this event will share the knowledge with their fellow farmers in their village and together take up activities which will help in income generation.”
For all its mines and collieries in the state of Jharkhand and Odisha, Tata Steel has developed Biodiversity Management Plans and in the interest of conservation, the Company is committed to avoid acquisition of properties whose development may result in loss of critical habitat for species with special conservation status.