Indira Priyadarshini Vrikshamitra Award for Tata Steel Collieries Division
Tata Steel's West Bokaro collieries, has been conferred with the prestigious Indira Priyadarshini Vrikshamitra Award 2000 by The National Afforestation & Eco-Development Board under Ministry of Environment & Forest, Government of India in a function organised at Ravindra Kalashektra, Bangalore on 16th September, 2002. Mr. T.R. Balu, Cabinet Minister for Environment & Forest gave away the award and the same was received by Mr. J.P. Bapat,
Chief (Planning), West Bokaro Collieries.
Environmental Management efforts of the West Bokaro Collieries have been acclaimed in National and International forums. The division has successfully reclaimed Mine and Fly Ash disposal area into green belt, established 15 nurseries and afforested 343.90 hectares of barren land.
Looking ahead, West Bokaro Collieries is all poised to ensure safety and environmental sustainability by implementing company's VISION 2007, the road map to the centenary year of the company.