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Details of shareholders whose Unclaimed dividends declared on August 20, 2020 is transferred to Unpaid Dividend Account of the Company in September 2020

While entering DP ID/ Client ID/ Folio Number, members need to follow the below instructions:

1. If having demat account with NSDL, enter the zero digit four times followed by the ID.
For example, if your DP ID is IN300*** and Client ID is 12****** then the input should be entered as ‘0000IN300***12******’

2. If having demat account with CDSL, , enter ‘00S1’ or ‘00PV’, as applicable, followed by the ID.
For example, for fully paid-up shares if your Beneficiary ID is 12************** then the input should be entered as ‘00S112**************’ and for partly paid-up shares, the input should be entered as ‘00PV12**************’

3. For Members holding shares in Physical Form, enter the zero digit ten times followed by the Folio Number.
For example, for fully paid-up Shares, if folio number is S1******** then the input should be entered as ‘0000000000S1********’ and, for partly paid-up Shares, if folio number is PV******** then the input should be entered as ‘0000000000PV*********’

For claims, please forward a letter duly signed by the first holder giving DP Id / Client Id / Folio Number / Name & Address to the Company’s Registrar, requesting for issue of fresh demand draft(s)/ cheque(s) to : TSR Darashaw Consultants Private Limited, C-101, 1st Floor, 247 Park, Lal Bahadur Shastri Marg, Vikhroli (West), Mumbai 400 083. Tel No.: +91 22 6656 8484, Fax No.: +91 22 6656 8494/8496. Email:
