Tata Steel at Noamundi observed International Yoga Day with the community

Tata Steel Noamundi today observed the World Yoga Day at Sports Complex, Noamundi. Around 500 yoga enthusiasts from different schools from Noamundi attended the session by yoga instructor Mr Pratham Kumar from Bihar School of Yoga. Mr Atul Kumar Bhatnagar, General Manager, Ore Mines and Quarries (OMQ) Division, Tata Steel graced the occasion as Chief Guest.
Mr Kumar demonstrated around 25 asans. Some of the asans demonstrated were Taad asam, Bridge asan, Padma asan, Vajra asan, and Bharamri Pranayam etc. Students from Middle English School, Noamundi and Professor Abdul Barik Memorial High School, Noamundi participated in good numbers. Family members of Tata Steel employees along with people from the community also participated.
Speaking on the occasion Mr Bhatnagar said “ Yoga unites the soul to the physical body. It not only rejuvenates but also aids in harmonizing our inner self with the world and bringing forth peace. It is good to see so many young children practicing enthusiastically.“ Mr Navin Kumar, Head (HRM), Noamundi Iron Mine, Tata Steel, Mr S K Roy, Head (Power Distribution, OMQ, Tata Steel and Mr T Vasudev Rao , Sports Assistant, HRM, Noamundi Iron Mine, Tata Steel along with employees of Tata Steel were present on the occasion.