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Female Tiger cub dies at Tata Steel Zoological Park

Jamshedpur, March 19, 2018

A female tiger cub died in the Tata Steel Zoological Park at approx. 12.30 PM on March 18, 2018. The cub was born on August 23, 2017 and was about seven months old. It was put under symptomatic treatment for Babesiosis.

Postmortem was carried out by a team of veterinarians Dr. Akhelesh Kumar, TVO, Bhuiadih, Dr. Jyotindra Narayan BHAO, Dhalbhumghar and and Dr. V.K.Singh, Consultant Zoo Veterinary in presence of Forest Department official Mr. Saba Alam Ansari, DFO, Jamshedpur Forest Division, Mr. Bipul Chakrabarty, Director and Mr SK Mahato, Curator, Tata Steel Zoological Park.

Currently the Tata Steel Zoological Park has five tigers, one white male tiger, one adult female, one sub- adult female and two female cubs respectively.
