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Eastern India Amateur Golf Championship 2018 at Jamshedpur

Jamshedpur, November 14, 2018

The Eastern India Amateur Golf Championship medal round currently being held at Jamshedpur, saw some spectacular upsets on the second day especially with host club golfer Aditya Panchmiya who was way beyond the cut line, getting into the main draw with a three under par 68 for the second day . Kurush Heerjee, another local player, who has been climbing up in the merit list after a break of almost a year, returned a card of one over par 72 to be placed at 23rd position. He will be playing against Bishwam Ghosh from RCGC Kolkata.

Heading the qualifying round is Varun Parikh from Kalhaar Blue Golf Course, Ahmedabad  with a total score of  nine under 133 and will be competing against Jay Pandya(also from Kalhaar Blue) who is currently on top of the merit list. Jay gained the 32nd position in a ‘play off’ with four other players after making a birdie on the 2nd play off hole.

Interesting matches are between Kartik Sharma and veteran Gagan Verma and friends from Poona,  Rohan Dhole Patil and Aaron Rockey . Another interesting match is between Anshul Patel & Shravan Desai again from Ahmedabad, Kalhaar Blue Golf Course.

Out of 32 players 16 will be eliminated on Thursday and 8 players will continue on Friday. The Quarter finals will be played in the afternoon on Friday.
