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Hearing it from the changemakers and Tribal Youth on second day of Samvaad

Jamshedpur, November 16, 2017

The second day of Samvaad (A Tribal Conclave organised by Tata Steel) was marked by inspiring tales of Tribal youths telling their personal journey of empowerment through years of hardship from tribal land. During the day, tribal youths from various states of India like Kerala, Gujarat, Nagaland, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh portrayed their journey in the story telling sessions.

The session titled ‘My voice, My Story’ witnessed the presence of youth participants like Ushaben Vasava from Gujarat who said, “I drew inspiration from women leaders and went against my family to become self-reliant by becoming part of an SHG. Women need to know about the laws meant for their rights and protection.”  Talking about education, Binu Kani from Kerala spoke about the Kani community which lacks access to education. While speaking about his hardships he addressed the audience on how he would want to help children of his community get quality education.  Ashe Kiba from Nagaland said, “I had faced high levels of discrimination because of my disability. With my firm resolve to take leadership role, I succeeded in changing my weakness into strength.”

The other sessions in the morning also covered some inspiring talks from the Changemakers who continue to focus on the social and economic development of their communities and have addressed common issues that tribals face on a day-to-day basis. Padma Shri Tulsi Munda being one of the key speakers said that empowerment of village-level institutions can lead to the development of the country as well as the tribes.  Pramod Bodo, President, All Bodo Students’ Union, Assam, said,
“Changes that tribals want to witness actually have to be brought about by them only. Education and non-violence are the potent mediums to achieve it.”

The day also witnessed intense discussions as part of workshops that highlighted Tribal perspectives on Development. Sessions on livelihood, social entrepreneurship, role of youth in effective governance, constitutional rights, malnutrition, peace building, cinema for social change, introspective theatre, improving quality and access to education for tribals were a few that keep the audience engaged.


Quoting Ms Jayanti Ravi, Principal Secretary, the government of Gujarat, she said, “Purity, patience and perseverance are the three essential qualities to bring about social change in villages of our country.”

The evening of the second day of Samvaad also witnessed a mix of cultural performances from various states which painted a colorful journey of the tribal lives through their songs and dance performances.
