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Centre For Excellence organizes Poster Making Competition

Jamshedpur, December 21, 2017

The Society for Promotion of Professional Excellence (SPPE) today organized a Poster Making Competition at The Centre For Excellence (CFE) for Project and Government Schools in Jamshedpur.

Considering the gradual degradation of Earth, it is imperative to educate young students on this, and make them capable to initiate slight changes towards saving their surroundings and locality first, and eventually the Earth. Keeping this notion in mind, the participants for the poster making competition were given the topic ‘Save Earth’. 30 children from 15 Project and Government Schools, actively participated in the competition

Speaking on the occasion Ms. Merlyn F. Anklesaria, Senior Manager, Corporate Communications, Tata Steel and Centre For Excellence said “The future of our world is in the hands of today’s youth. Hence it becomes extremely important to shape them wisely and make them competent to become responsible citizens. Compassionate and intelligent youth make the world a better place to live in. Through various such educational events, we at the Centre For Excellence have always been striving hard to trigger hidden talents in children”.

As a part of the event, children were divided into two groups - Junior (class 5 to class 7) and Senior (class 8 to class 10). Both the groups were given the same topic with a time limit of one hour. Unlike a painting competition, a strong message adhering to the given topic/ theme, was the key factor of the poster making competition. Participants were explained about this difference before commencing with the competition.

It was overwhelming to see the level of creativity in the participants. The competition witnessed several strong ideas and messages to protect Mother Earth, thereby fulfilling the objective of this competition.

To evaluate the competition, Mr. H. P. Mukhi - a veteran artist and an art teacher, was invited. The participants were assessed based on criteria like relevance to the theme, originality, impact of the message, creativity and overall presentation.

Winners of the Poster Competition were:

  • Junior Group:
    • First position: Supriya Das, St. Mary’s Hindi High School
    • Second position: Sunny Machua, Loyola Hindi School
    • Third position: Aarti Kumari, Kerala Samajam Hindi School
    • Consolation prize winners:
      • Sanober Rawat, J H Tarapore School
      • Taruna Mahato, Incab Kerala Public School
      • Kashif Ansari, Kerala Public Project School
  • Senior Group:
    • First position: Dashmat Tudu, Kerala Public School
    • Second position: Mangal Sardar, Hindustan Mitra Mandal School
    • Third position: Nahida Tabassum, Incab Kerala Public School
    • Consolation prize winners:
      • Poulomi Ghosh, J H Tarapore School
      • Rakesh Soni, Loyola Hindi School
      • Sonu Prasad Sanyasi, St. Mary’s Hindi High School
