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Consolidated Financial Results for the Quarter / Nine Months ended on 31st December 2007

Mumbai, March 11, 2008

Tata Steel published stand alone audited financial results for the nine months ended 31st December 2007 on 31st January 2008. The enclosed consolidated financial results of the Company for the nine months ended 31st December, 2007 were reviewed by the auditors and approved by the Board of Directors of the Company.

Highlights for the nine months ended 31st December 2007:

  • Profit before interest, exceptional items and taxes for the nine months ended 31st December 2007 was Rs.10,889 crores against Rs.5,101 crores for the same period of the last financial year.

  • Diluted EPS before exceptional items (not annualized) for the nine months ended 31st December 2007 was Rs.73.05 against Rs.58.44 for the same period in the last financial year.

ended on 31.12.2007
ended on 31.12.2006
Nine Months
ended on 31.12.2007
Nine Months ended on 31.12.2006 Financial Year ended on 31.03.2007
1 Net Sales/
Income from Operations
Rs. Crores 31,898.54 5,970.63 95,485.74 17,743.18 25,213.31
2 Other Income " 197.49 101.13 481.92 348.41 438.07
3 Total Income (1+2) 32,096.03 6,071.76 95,967.66 18,091.59 25,651.38
4 Total Expenditure
a) (Increase)
/decrease in stock in trade
" 190.07 (141.13) (687.00) (373.07) (540.22)
b) Material cost " 14,255.86 1,918.54 43,471.37 6,226.63 9,171.39
c) Staff Cost " 4,166.72 478.41 12,116.65 1,349.25 1,884.97
d) Purchase of Power " 1,223.31 319.70 3,504.41 959.62 1,315.39
e) Freight and handling " 1,672.22 371.41 4,542.67 1,039.86 1,508.37
f) Depreciation " 1,011.25 245.13 3,142.45 729.32 1,010.98
g) Other Expenditure " 6,447.58 1,133.23 18,988.07 3,058.62 4,423.26
h) Total Expenditure ( 4a to 4g) " 28,967.01 4,325.29 85,078.62 12,990.23 18,774.14
5 Profit before Interest exceptional items and taxes (3-4) " 3,129.02 1,746.47 10,889.04 5,101.36 6,877.24
6 Interest ( net) " 1,080.88 96.23 3,357.69 224.20 411.19
7 Exceptional Items
a) Employee Separation Compensation " (65.15) (49.50) (176.55) (112.65) (153.03)
b) Contribution For Sports Infrastructure " - - (150.00) - -
c) Exchange Gain / (Loss) " 44.83 - 688.67 - -
d) Actuarial Gain / (Loss) on Funds for Employee Benefits " 145.12 - 6,116.50 - -

Total of Exceptional items ( 7a to 7d) " 124.80 (49.50) 6,478.62 (112.65) (153.03)
8 Profit before tax ( 3-4-6+7) " 2,172.94 1,600.74 14,009.97 4,764.51 6,313.02
9 Tax Expense " 770.69 546.09 2,962.16 1,558.41 2,147.41
10 Net Profit (+) / Loss (-) (8-9) " 1,402.25 1,054.65 11,047.81 3,206.10 4,165.61
11 Share of Profit of Associates " 51.98 21.07 130.45 53.56 79.18
12 Minority Interest " (38.69) (21.11) (59.99) (46.76) (67.52)
13 Profit after Minority Interest and share of Profits of Associates ( 10 +11+12) " 1,415.54 1,054.61 11,118.27 3,212.90 4,177.27
14 Diluted Earnings per Share (not annualised) ( before exceptional items) Rupees 19.12 19.04 73.05 58.44 75.74

The previous period figures do not include the financial results of Tata Steel UK (which includes Corus Group) and the current period includes financial results of Tata Steel UK, reviewed by the auditors.

  • In terms of the leveraged buyout requirements of the lenders of Corus acquisition, the post acquisition corporate restructuring of Corus Group in United Kingdom and Netherlands was completed in December 2007.

Report on Financial performance

Quarter ended 31st December 2007


Excluding turnover of Tata Steel UK of Rs. 23,867 crores for the quarter, turnover registered an increase of Rs. 2,157 crores. The increase was mainly due to increases in Tata Steel Indian operations (Rs. 472 crores), Natsteel (Rs.1,135 crores) and Tata Steel Thailand (Rs.554 crores). The increase in Tata Steel Indian operations were primarily due to increase in prices, whereas the increase in Natsteel and Tata Steel Thailand was attributable to both price increases as well as increase in volume.

Total Expenditure

Total expenditure for the quarter ended 31st December 2007 amounted to Rs.28,967 crores , (including total expenditure of Rs. 22,808 crores of Tata Steel UK), against Rs.4,325 crores during the previous year.

Material cost

The material cost excluding of Tata Steel U.K of Rs. 11,253 crores increased from Rs. 1,919 crores in the previous year same period to Rs. 3,003 cr during the current year. While Increase in volume of operations as well as increase in prices of inputs (scrap) consumed by Natsteel resulted in an increase of Rs. 887 crores, Tata Steel Thailand contributed Rs. 226 crores to the increase on account of increase in volumes. Increase in Natsteel group is also due to increase in purchases of raw materials by TS Resources Australia for use by Tata Steel India.

Other Expenditure

The Other expenditure excluding that of Tata Steel UK (Rs. 5,053 crores) was Rs.1,395 crores in Q3 FY08 against Rs. 1,133 crores in Q3 FY07. The increases were in Tata Steel Thailand, Natsteel and the Indian operations. While the increase in Indian operations by Rs. 58 crores was mainly due to increases in conversion charges for converting chrome ore and manganese ore to ferro chrome and ferro manganese / silico manganese, the increases in Natsteel and Tata Steel Thailand were mainly on account of increased volume of operations. . Major company wise breakup of the other expenditure is shown below:

Figs in Rs.crores
Other Expenditure Q3 Fy08 Q3 Fy07 Inc/(dec)
Tata Steel 1,008 950 58
Corus 5,053 - 5,053
Natsteel 161 112 49
TSTH 159 93 65
TSAH 13 16 (3)
Others 201 92 109
Eliminations & Adjustments (146) (129) (17)
Total 6,448 1,133 5,314


The interest charges (net) were Rs. 1,081 crores in Q3 FY08 (Rs. 96 crores in Q3 FY07). Other than interest charge of Rs. 606 crores of Tata Steel UK, remaining increase is mainly due to increase in borrowings, to fund acquisition cost of Corus, by various entities including TSAH and Tata Steel India.

Exceptional items

The employee separation compensation was Rs. 65 crores in Q3 FY08 (Q3 FY07: Rs. 50 crores). The discounting rate changed from 7.50% to 8.00 % in Q3 FY07 reducing the charge for employee separation in the last financial year while the discounting rate remained at 8.00% in the Q3 FY08 increasing the charge for employee separation compensation in Q3 FY08 against Q3 FY07.

Due to rupee appreciation against major foreign currencies in Q3 FY08, the company had a net exchange gain of Rs. 45 crores.

The actuarial gain on funds for employee benefits amounted to Rs.145 crores for the quarter ended 31st December 2007. The gain represents reduction in pension liability arising out of higher discount rate, reflecting improved yields on bonds. The gains or losses for employee benefits is required to be accounted for, through the P&L Account under Indian GAAP while this is adjusted through reserves under IFRS.

The Profit after tax inclusive of share of profits of associates and net of minority interest, amounted to Rs.1,416 crores for the quarter ending 31st December 2007 compared to Rs.1,055 crores for the corresponding period of the previous year.

Earnings per share for relevant periods are given below:

Q3FY08 Q3FY07
Basic earnings (before exceptional items) 21.22 19.04
Diluted earnings (before exceptional items) 19.12 19.04
Basic earnings (after exceptional items) 23.27 18.19
Diluted earnings (after exceptional items) 20.40 18.19
(Not annualized)

Nine months ended 31st December 2007


Excluding turnover of Tata Steel UK of Rs. 73,676 crores for the nine months, turnover registered an increase of Rs. 4,200 crores. The increase was mainly due to increases in Tata Steel Indian operations (Rs. 1,339 crores), Natsteel (Rs.2,372 crores) and Tata Steel Thailand (Rs.1,066 crores). The increase in Tata Steel Indian operations were primarily due to increase in prices, whereas the increase in Natsteel and Tata Steel Thailand was attributable to both price increases as well as increase in volume.

Total Expenditure

Total expenditure for the nine months ended 31st December 2007 amounted to Rs.85,079crores, (including total expenditure of Rs. 68,576 Cr of Tata Steel UK), against Rs.12,990 crores during the previous year.

Material cost

The material cost excluding of Tata Steel UK of Rs. 35,409 crores increased from Rs. 6,227 crores in the previous year same period to Rs. 8,062 crores during the current year. While Increase in volume of operations as well as increase in prices of inputs (scrap) consumed by Natsteel resulted in an increase of Rs. 2,014 crores, Tata Steel Thailand contributed Rs. 663 crores to the increase on account of increase in volumes. Increase in Natsteel group is also due to increase in purchases of raw materials by TS Resources Australia for use by Tata Steel India.

Other Expenditure

The Other expenditures excluding that of Tata Steel UK (Rs.15,199 crores) were Rs.3,789 crores in 9m FY 08 against Rs. 3,059 crores in 9m FY07. The increases were primarily in Tata Steel India (Rs.348 crores), Natsteel (Rs.102 crores) and Tata Steel Thailand (Rs.180 crores). While the increases in Natsteel and Tata Steel Thailand were attributable mainly to increase in volume of operations, the increases in Indian operations were mainly due to increases in conversion charges for converting chrome ore and manganese ore to ferro chrome and ferro manganese / silico manganese Major company wise breakup of the other expenditure is shown below:

Figs in Rs.crores
Other Expenditure 9m Fy08 9m Fy07 Inc/(dec)
Tata Steel 2,871 2,523 348
Corus 15,199 - 15,199
Natsteel 394 292 102
TSTH 451 270 180
TSAH 45 16 29
Others 396 258 138
Eliminations & Adjustments (368) (301) (68)
Total 18,988 3,059 15,929


The interest charges (net) were Rs. 3,358 crores in 9mFY08 (Rs. 224 crores in 9mFY07). Other than interest charge of Rs. 2,236 crores of Tata Steel UK, remaining increase is mainly due to increase in borrowings, to fund acquisition cost of Corus, by various entities including TSAH and Tata Steel India.

Exceptional items

The employee separation compensation was Rs. 177 crores in 9mFY08 (9mFY07: Rs. 113 crores). The discounting rate changed from 7.50% to 8.00 % in nine months ended 31st December 2006 reducing the charge for employee separation in the last financial year while the discounting rate decreased from 8.25% to 8.00% in the current financial year increasing the charge for employee separation compensation in the current financial year.

A contribution of Rs. 150 crores towards development of sports infrastructure has been recognized as an exceptional expenditure during the current fiscal year.

Due to rupee appreciation against major foreign currencies in the current financial year, the company had a net exchange gain of Rs. 689 crores mainly due to revaluation the forex loans and deposits. This has been recognized as an exceptional income during the nine months ended 31st December 2007.

The actuarial gain on funds for employee benefits amounted to Rs. 6,117 crores for the nine months ended 31st December 2007. The gain is on account of recovery on bond yields used to discount scheme liabilities, and recovery in asset values of the scheme funds. The gains or losses for employee benefits is required to be accounted for, through the P&L Account under Indian GAAP while this is adjusted through reserves under IFRS.

The Profit after tax inclusive of share of profits of associates and net of minority interest, amounted to Rs.11,118 crores for the nine months ending 31st December 2007 compared to Rs.3,213 crores for the corresponding period of the previous year.

Earnings per share for relevant periods are given below:

9mFY08 9mFY07
Basic earnings (before exceptional items) 76.48 58.44
Diluted earnings (before exceptional items) 73.05 58.44
Basic earnings (after exceptional items) 183.28 56.46
Diluted earnings (after exceptional items) 172.74 56.46
(Not annualized)

For investor enquiries contact: For media enquiries contact:
Mr. Sandip Biswas Mr. Sanjay Choudhary
Tel : + 91 22 6665 7328/7298 Tel: + 91 657 243 1142
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Mr. Hriday Nair
Tel : + 91 22 6665 7728
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