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This World Environment Day, it’s Time for Nature. Tata Steel reiterates its commitment to the principles of sustainability. And as one of the oldest and the largest steel-makers in the world, Tata Steel has consciously kept the sustainability agenda at the very core of its business philosophy and decision making.


This year’s theme of ‘biodiversity’ brings to focus a concern that is both urgent and existential and highlights the interdependence of humans and the webs of life, in which they exist.


Tata Steel is in constant pursuit of minimising its environmental impacts through efforts focused on emission performance, water management, circular economy, and biodiversity - supporting the foundation of all life forms including flora and fauna, and enable a #TomorrowForEveryone.


Tata Steel has modelled its biodiversity initiatives to reduce its ecological footprint and bring positive gains for conservation, enhancement, and restoration of biodiversity. These initiatives include biodiversity policy, aligning corporate actions with National Biodiversity Targets, Aichi Biodiversity Targets, and Sustainable Development Goals, engagement with International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) to roll out Biodiversity Management Plans (BMPs) for all mines, establishment of Centre of Excellence for Biodiversity Management, and more.

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