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Celebrating 100 Years of Jamshedpur - India's First Smart City | Tata Steel

Jamshedpur is celebrating the centenary year of the city's renaming. Starting with the first town plan in 1912 and with over 100 glorious years of planning and execution, the first Smart City in India continues to set the benchmark for inspired and sustainable living.

Leveraging IoT technology, with a LoRaWAN network serving as the digital backbone, the city has been successful in implementing Smart City solutions that have had an immense impact on the quality of life of Jamshedpur citizens. From smart bins that never overflow, to roads that notify when cleaning is needed, to power lines that identify leakages; the city is slowly beginning to run itself. Certified ISO 37120 by the World City of Council Data and recognized for Best City for Integrated Planning as well as the Best Smart City Initiative by CMO Asia awards, our city of Jamshedpur is paving the way to a smarter future.
