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Chief Minister Lays Foundation Stone of Institute of Mathematics Tata Steel to Build Institute Complex

Bhubaneswar, December 21, 2005

The foundation stone of the Institute of Mathematics and Applications was laid today by the Hon’bleChief Minister of Orissa Sri Naveen Patnaik in the presence of Sri Rabi Narayan Nanda, SriBiswabhusan Harichandan Hon’ble Minister, Mr K V Singhdeo, Hon’ble Minister, Urbandevelopment, R D, Industry and Law, Sri Nagendra Kumar Pradhan, Hon’ble Minister, School &Mass Education, Dr Prasanna Kumar Patsani, Hon’ble M P, Bhubaneswar, Dr Subas Pani ChiefSecretary, Prof Swadhinananda Pattanayak, Director, Institute of Mathematics, Mr H M Nerurkar,Vice-President, Tata Steel, Mr Karan Grover, Architect, along with many senior officials of theGovernment and the Company. The first phase of the institute is envisaged to be built at a cost ofRs. 5.0 crores. This institute is being designed by the renowned architect Mr Karan Grover.

The prime objective of this institute is to strive for excellence and spread the culture ofmathematical competence at all levels of the society. The institute will also promote fundamentalresearch in mathematics and its applications. It will provide guidance in research for Doctoral andPost-Doctoral scholars.

The Institute of Mathematics, which is a joint endeavour of the Government of Orissa, Institute ofMathematics and Tata Steel, would work as a repository of knowledge and information. It wouldalso help bringing outstanding people from far and near to expose new vistas of knowledge to thelocal mathematical community in the pattern of the Institute of Oberwolfach in Germany.

The Hon’ble Chief Minister, while speaking on the occasion lauded the role of the house of Tatas inpromoting educational excellence in the Country and the State. He further thanked Tata Steel’sinitiatives for providing world class infrastructure for the Institute of Mathematics and advised theother corporate houses to take up similar initiatives for the state.

Dr Subas Pani, the Chief Secretary, Government of Orissa said that Tata Steel has always stood bythe State during need. He also thanked the Company for taking up many developmental projects inthe State.

Mr H M Nerurkar, Vice President, Kalinganagar Project, Tata Steel, while thanking the StateGovernment’s effort in providing all necessary support for the project, reiterated the Company’sefforts in providing better education, health and other facilities to the people of the State.

The Institute at the same time would also encourage interested students to acquire knowledgebeyond their syllabi by creative processes. The scholars of this institute will work as brandambassadors and create a demonstration effect with a definite well structured programme.
