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Tata Group awarded Civil Society Award by UNAIDS

Kolkata, December 02, 2006

On the occasion of World AIDS Day 2006, Tata Group, India's largest private sector conglomerate has been awarded "Civil Society Award" by UNAIDS for its exemplary role in fighting against HIV in India. Several Tata Group companies continuously provide support for HIV prevention, treatment and care services across the country. It may be mentioned that out of the several group companies, contribution of Tata Steel towards fighting against HIV is commendable. Mr. A N Singh, Deputy Managing Director (Corporate Services), Tata Steel received the award on behalf of Tata Group.

HIV pandemic is in its 25th year and India has an estimated 5.12 million HIV+ people with an adult prevalence rate of 0.9%. HIV/AIDS has an impact on economy, health and society. Tata Steel Ltd's involvement vis-à-vis preventing HIV/AIDS dates back to early 90s when the organisation realised that the disease had acquired epidemic proportions and accepted that its control or prevention was not the sole responsibility of the government. It decided to respond to the situation by taking appropriate initiatives to safe guard health of its workforce and the community and prevent spread of the disease.

The members with the help of HR Personnel regularly conduct AIDS Awareness Programmes, using various IEC media and forum, as part of Workplace programmes for both the permanent employees as well as the contract labour. Michael John Centre for Human Resources, a part of Tata Workers' Union facility, conducts various training and development programmes for the workers every week. Two innovative approaches were used to target secondary stakeholders - the spouses of the employees and the trucking community. Tata Steel Core Group - AIDS started an intervention at truckers halt points where the truckers could avail of medical advice and information on HIV/AIDS.

During 2001-2002, Tata Group was identified as a Global Business Coalition (GBC) member. Tata Steel also received the GBC HIV/AIDS award - 2003 for its commendable awareness work on HIV/AIDS in the community. Spearheading the Group initiatives, Tata Steel believes that by continuously informing and educating the employees and various levels of society, adequate awareness could be built in the community which in turn would take appropriate preventive measures against the disease.

The Tata Group has also set up Tata Initiatives on AIDS (TIA) to standardize the efforts of Tata Companies in putting together workplace interventions on HIV/AIDS. Tata Council of Community Initiatives (TCCI), which is the Group's nodal agency for undertaking corporate social initiatives, has identified internal Group Resource Persons on HIV/AIDS who conduct training and awareness across companies.

The Tata Group
The Tata Group is India's best-known industrial group with revenues in 2005-06 of US $22 billion (Rs. 96,273 crores) (equivalent to 2.7 % of India's GDP), with business operations in seven business sectors - Engineering, Materials, Energy, Chemicals, Consumer Products, Services, and Communications and Information Systems. With more than 234,000 employees across 96 operating companies, it is also India's largest employer in the private sector. The Tata brand is India's most respected brand across consumer segments with many national and internationally renowned product and service brands: Tata Indica, Tata Indigo, Indigo Marina, Tata Ace, Tata Safari, Tata Indicom, Taj Group of Hotels (Luxury, Business and Leisure), Ginger, Tata Tea, Tetley, Tata Salt, Tata Steelium, Tata Shaktee, Tata Tiscon, Tata Pipes, Titan, Tanishq, Voltas, Croma, Westside, Star India Bazaar and Landmark. By combining ethical values with business acumen, globalisation with national interests and, core businesses with emerging ones, the Tata Group aims to be the largest and most respected global brand from India, whilst fulfilling its long-standing commitment to improving the quality of life of its stakeholders.
