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Effective utilisation of resources

Staying true to our founding philosophy of ‘profits with a purpose’, we have adopted a multi-capital, integrated approach in our decision-making and disclosure practices. Communicating our business objectives using this approach helps our stakeholders identify the most significant levers for value creation and preservation.

Financial capital

At Tata Steel, our focus is on optimising returns to the providers of our financial capital. We endeavour to maximise surplus funds from both business operations and monetisation of assets and investments.

`64,869 cr.

Revenue from operations

`21,952 cr.


Manufactured capital

It is our constant endeavour to adopt best available technologies to maintain and upgrade facilities in our integrated steel operations for improving efficiency, safety, sustainability and reliability of our processes.

13.24 MnT

Hot Metal Production

12.19 MnT

Crude Steel Production

12.36 MnT


Intellectual capital

Our focus on innovation and research reinforces our drive to improve operational efficiency, resource optimisation and sustainability. We incorporate customer requirements (current and future) in our product development while also collaborating with experts, academia, technologies providers, research institutions, etc. for our Research & Development (R&D) efforts.

`231 crore

R&D spend


Patents granted


New products developed

Human capital

Our people form the core of our operations. We invest in employee welfare and happiness to drive performance excellence. Our work culture ensures safety, health, competency enhancement and overall well-being of our people.

745 tcs/employee/year

Employee productivity


Loss Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR)


Women in workforce


Affirmative Action community in workforce

Natural capital

We depend on natural resources such as iron ore, coal and other minerals, which constitute our key raw materials. At the same time, land and water are indispensable for our operations. We strive for excellence in environmental performance, climate change mitigation and adaptation, and resource efficiency to reduce our ecological footprint.

Tata Steel Jamshedpur

2.29 tCO2 /tcs

CO2 emission intensity


Solid waste utilisation

2.25 m3 /tcs

Specific freshwater consumption*

0.82 m3 /tcs

Effluent discharge intensity

Tata Steel Kalinganagar

2.44 tCO2 /tcs

CO2 emission intensity


Solid waste utilisation

4.16 m3 /tcs

Specific freshwater consumption*

0.21 m3 /tcs

Effluent discharge intensity

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*excludes drinking water consumption

Social and Relationship capital

Our communities, customers and suppliers are critical to our business continuity and social licence to operate. We believe in building long-term, transparent and trust-based relationships with them through continuous stakeholder engagement and innovation.

1.61 million

Lives reached through CSR activities


Customer satisfaction index (Steel) (Score out of 100)


Suppliers trained through Vendor Capability Advancement Programme (VCAP)


Critical suppliers assessed on Responsible Supply Chain Policy

Note: Above figures pertain to Tata Steel Limited

Note: tcs - tonnes of crude steel