Integrated Report and
Annual Accounts 2023-24 117th Year
By adopting new-age technology, fostering a culture of innovation, formulating responsible practices, empowering communities, and building a future-ready and resilient workforce, Tata Steel is leading the transformation for tomorrow.
Production (MT)
Deliveries (MT)
Turnover (MT)
EBITDA (₹crore)
Reported PAT (₹crore)
Production (MT)
Deliveries (MT)
Turnover (MT)
EBITDA (₹crore)
Reported PAT (₹crore)
Tata Steel aligns its operations and CSR with the UN Sustainable Development Goals to ensure a better future.
N Chandrasekaran Chairman
In FY2023-24, Tata Steel's Indian operations delivered the highest ever crude steel production at 20.8 MT and delivered the highest finished steel at 19.9 MT.
New Worth (₹crore)1,35,222
New Debt (₹crore)38,024
Installed crude
steel capacity (MTPA) 20.6
Collaborations/Memberships with
Technical Institutes (nos.) 19
Patents filed (nos.) 142
Employees on roll1 (nos.) 43,263
Investment in employee
training and
(₹ crore) 240
Employee training
person-days) 589
Total dealers (nos.) 22,000+
Total distributors (nos.) 250+
Active supplier base (nos.) 8,898
CSR spend (₹ crore) 580
Energy Intensity (GJ/tcs) 24.55
Specific freshwater
consumption (m3
/tcs) 2.53
Capital spends on
environment, social and
governance matters (₹ crore) 1,568
Steel Value Chain
Finished goods handled
Raw material
Employee productivity
R&D spend
Revenue from by product sales
Digital projects undertaken
Enriched/value added product sales
Revenue from commercial mining3
Turnover (` crore) 1,40,987
EBITDA (` crore) 31,004
Savings through
Shikhar25 projects (₹
crore) 6,821
Crude steel production (MT) 20.12
Patents granted (nos.) 395
New products developed (nos.) 86
Health index
(Score out of 16) (nos.) 13.3
Diversity mix5 (%) 19.2
LTI (nos.) 156
LTIFR (Index) 0.39
Workforce covered through formal workforce unions6(%) 89
Suppliers assessed based
on safety (nos.) 1,923
Customer satisfaction
index (Steel) (out of 100) 86.1
Business associates
trained on TCoC (nos.) 1,358
Supply chain partners
assessed on
Responsible Supply
Chain Policy (nos.)
complaints (PPM)
Lives impacted through
CSR initiatives (million) 4.4
CO2 emission intensity (tCO2/tcs) 2.43
Stack Dust emission
intensity (kg/tcs) 0.35
Solid waste
utilisation7 (%) 115
Effluent discharge
intensity (m3
/tcs) 0.32
SOx emission intensity (kg/tcs) 1.63
NOx emission intensity (kg/tcs) 0.87
Total sites covered
under biodiversity
management plans 17
Note: The data reported in the above table pertains to Tata Steel Limited
Strategic Objectives
Leadership in India
Consolidate position as global cost leader
Attain leadership position in adjacent businesses
Leadership in sustainability
Strategic Enablers
1. Best place to work in Manufacturing in India
2.Top 5 in technology in the steel industry globally
3.Digital leader in the steel industry globally
4.Foster a culture which makes Tata Steel future-ready
Tata Steel’s ESG goals underpin its sustainability journey, focusing on reducing carbon footprint, adopting renewable energy, prioritising workplace safety, fostering inclusivity and upholding ethical business practices.
At Tata Steel, the Company creates shared value through stakeholder relationships, engaging through focused groups and platforms, guiding its journey to becoming a leading steel company.
Tata Steel prioritises stakeholders, using periodic materiality assessments to understand and address their needs and concerns effectively.
Financial Capital
Tata Steel prioritises strategic capital allocation, drives operational efficiency, and manages debt effectively to ensure long-term sustainable returns for its stakeholders.
Read MoreKey highlights in FY2023-24
Net Debt
Cash flow from operations
Manufactured Capital
Tata Steel's advanced production facilities, robust infrastructure, and mining assets ensure high-quality steel products, operational efficiency, and sustainable growth to meet global market demands and drive innovation.
Read MoreKey highlights in FY2023-24
Consolidated steelmaking capacity
Intellectual Capital
Tata Steel’s intellectual assets encompass the Company’s R&D initiatives, subject matter expertise and strategic partnerships that aid its efforts to be at the forefront of innovation.
Read MoreKey highlights in FY2023-24
R&D spend
New products developed
Patents granted
Human Capital
Tata Steel’s dedicated employees, in-house knowledge, and pioneering spirit help the Company build a future-ready culture.
Read MoreKey highlights in FY2023-24
Transgender talents
Employee productivity (tonnes of crude steel per employee per year)
Diversity mix
Social and Relationship Capital
Tata Steel values continuous stakeholder engagement for business growth and sustainability, nurturing long-term relationships with them through well-established and evolving forums, ensuring lasting collaboration and mutual success.
Read MoreKey highlights in FY2023-24
Customer Satisfaction Index
Supply chain partners assessed
Dividend to shareholder (per equity share)
Natural Capital
Tata Steel drives responsible resource use to reduce its carbon footprint, foster circular economy practices and combat climate change.
Read MoreKey highlights in FY2023-24
Greenhouse gas intensity per tonne of crude steel (as per the GHG Protocol)
by 2045
Responsible Steel™ Certification
for Kalinganagar and Meramandali plants in 2024
'Digital Enterprise of India – Steel' Award 2024
by Economic Times CIO for innovative digital initiatives driving transformation and efficiency in the steel industry
Tata Affirmative Action Programme (TAAP) Jury Award
at the TAAP Convention 2024 for exceptional efforts in promoting inclusivity and opportunities among underserved communities