Key Inputs
Manufactured Capital
Key Performance Indicator |
UoM |
FY18 |
FY17 |
TSJ Capacity –CS |
MnT |
10 |
10 |
TSK Capacity–CS |
MnT |
3 |
3 |
Steel Processing Centres–Own |
Nos. |
24 |
19 |
Pan-India Stockyards |
Nos. |
18 |
18 |
Financial Capital
Key Performance Indicator |
UoM |
FY18 |
FY17 |
Capex |
` Cr. |
2,527 |
3,173 |
Natural Capital
Key Performance Indicator |
UoM |
FY18 |
FY17 |
TSJ –Energy Intensity |
Gcal/tcs |
5.67 |
5.67 |
TSK –Energy Intensity |
Gcal/tcs |
7.29 |
8.49 |
TSJ – Specific Water
Consumption |
m3/tcs |
3.68 |
3.83 |
TSK – Specific Water
Consumption |
m3/tcs |
4.75 |
7.66 |
Captive Iron Ore |
% |
100.00 |
100.00 |
Captive Coal |
% |
29.00 |
30.00 |
Inbound Raw Materials |
~40 |
~40 |
TSI –Trees Planted |
’000 nos |
390 |
400 |
Capital Spend on Environment |
` Cr. |
544 |
605 |
Human Capital
Key Performance Indicator |
UoM |
FY18 |
FY17 |
Employees on Rolls |
Nos. |
34,072 |
34,989 |
Investment in Employee Training
and Development |
` Cr. |
60.17 |
52.55 |
Relationship Capital
Key Performance Indicator |
UoM |
FY18 |
FY17 |
Pan-India Dealers |
Nos. |
11,883 |
11,550 |
Pan-India Distributors |
Nos. |
193 |
186 |
Pan-India Sales Offices |
Nos. |
26 |
26 |
Application Engineers Working
Jointly with Customers |
Nos. |
41 |
38 |
Customer-facing Processes |
Nos. |
8 |
8 |
Customer Service Teams |
Nos. |
34 |
33 |
Intellectual Capital
Key Performance Indicator |
UoM |
FY18 |
FY17 |
(Technical Institutes) |
Nos. |
34 |
42 |
Patents Filed
(Cumulative till FY) |
Nos. |
964 |
870 |
R&D Spend |
` Cr. |
181.64 |
144.58 |
Social Capital
Key Performance Indicator |
UoM |
FY18 |
FY17 |
CSR Spend |
` Cr. |
232 |
194 |
No Change/New |
Positive trend |
Negative trend |
Business Activities
CS – Crude Steel TSJ – Tata Steel Jamshedpur TSK – Tata Steel Kalinganagar TSI – Tata Steel India
CSR – Corporate Social Responsibility
13.86 MnT
Hot Metal Production
12.48 MnT
Crude Steel Production
12.2 MnT
Total Sales
8.9 MnT
Flat Product Sales
3.3 MnT
Long Product Sales
Key Segments and Products
- Automotive
Hot Rolled, Cold Rolled, Coated Coils
& Sheets, Precision Tubes, Tyre Bead
Wires, Spring Wires, Bearings
- Industrial and General Engineering
Hot Rolled, Cold Rolled, Coated Coils,
Rebars, Wire Rods, Boiler Tubes, Pipes
- Construction
Re-bars, Doors & Windows, Roofing
sheets, Plumbing Pipes, TMT Rebars,
Tubes, Cut & Bend Bars
- Agriculture
Bearings, GI Wires, Conveyance Tubes
Key Segments and By-products
- Power Plants, Brick Kilns
Coal Rejects (middlings, tailings, rejects)
- Cement Industry
Granulated Blast Furnace Slag, Steel Slag
- Construction Industry (Road and Civil)
Weathered Steel Slag, Ground
Granulated Blast Furnace Slag
- Foundry, Pencil Ingot Makers
Ferro-shots, Pooled Iron, High-
Phosphorus Pig Iron, Slag Scrap
- Aluminum Smelters, Graphite Industry
Coal Tar
- White Goods
HR and CR Scrap
Financial Capital
Key Performance Indicator |
UoM |
FY18 |
FY17 |
Turnover |
` Cr. |
60,519 |
53,261 |
% |
26 |
22 |
` Cr. |
4,170 |
3,445 |
TSI – Revenue from By-products |
` Cr. |
3,290 |
2,882 |
Revenue through Services and Solutions
Business (incl. Profit Centre) |
` Cr. |
1,188 |
954 |
Revenue from New Products |
` Cr. |
1,987 |
1,935 |
Savings through Improvement Projects
(Shikhar 25) |
` Cr. |
2,594 |
3,400 |
Relationship Capital
Key Performance Indicator |
UoM |
FY18 |
FY17 |
Customer Satisfaction Index |
Score |
81.40 |
81.30 |
Quality/Customer Complaints – TSJ |
606 |
759 |
NPS – Tata Tiscon |
NPS-100 |
71 |
- |
NPS – Tata Shaktee |
NPS-100 |
77 |
- |
Enriched/Value-added Products Sales |
MnT |
6.50 |
5.94 |
Repeat Customers |
% |
96 |
97 |
Human Capital
Key Performance Indicator |
UoM |
FY18 |
FY17 |
Fatality |
Nos. |
3 |
5 |
Nos. |
64 |
80 |
Health Index |
Score out of 16 |
12.47 |
12.59 |
Diversity – % Women in the Workforce |
% |
6.11 |
5.75 |
Diversity – % SC/ST in the Workforce |
% |
17.29 |
16.90 |
Employee Engagement – Officers |
Score |
66 |
- |
Employee Engagement – Unionised |
Score |
77 |
- |
Employee Productivity – TSJ |
TCS/ Employee
/ Year |
738 |
720 |
Employee Productivity – TSK |
TCS/ Employee
/ Year |
918 |
653 |
Relationship Capital
Natural Capital |
UoM |
FY18 |
FY17 |
TSJ – GHG Emissions Intensity |
TCO2e/tcs |
2.30 |
2.29 |
TSK – GHG Emissions Intensity |
TCO2e/tcs |
2.65 |
3.08 |
TSJ – Dust Emissions Intensity |
kg/tcs |
0.41 |
0.44 |
TSK – Dust Emissions Intensity |
kg/tcs |
0.64 |
1.30 |
TSJ – Effluent Discharge Intensity |
m3/tcs |
1.01 |
1.02 |
TSK – Effluent Discharge Intensity |
m3/tcs |
0.59 |
- |
TSJ – Solid Waste Utilisation |
% |
84.40 |
82.40 |
TSK – Solid Waste Utilisation |
% |
87.22 |
66 |
Total Raw Material Sites Covered under
Biodiversity Management Plan (BMP) |
% |
100 |
100 |
Social Capital
Key Performance Indicator |
UoM |
FY18 |
FY17 |
Lives Touched in Communities |
Mn nos. |
1.00 |
1.10 |
Intellectual Capital
Key Performance Indicator |
UoM |
FY18 |
FY17 |
Patents Granted
(Cumulative till FY) |
Nos. |
418 |
360 |
New Products Launched |
Nos. |
133 |
48 |
HR – Hot Rolled CR – Cold Rolled LTI – Loss Time Injury SC/ST – Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe TCO2: Tonne of CO2
TCS: Tonne of crude steel TSI – Tata Steel India PPM – Parts per Million NPS – Net Promoter Score