A Global Player >> A Product Pioneer >> A Corporate Citizen
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times... 
Never before has this famous line meant more. The roller coaster ride that the last two years took the global economy through, proved one fact – that a successful enterprise needs to have the resilience to withstand the highs and lows of a future that often comes unheralded.
As a global enterprise, Tata Steel was not unaffected by the challenges of the last two years. Yet, the Company demonstrated resilience by taking several proactive initiatives across all geographies. A tough start to the year was balanced by a rebound in the second half, when these initiatives began to pay off.
Undeterred by the economic turbulence, the Company continued to place emphasis on working practices in health, safety and corporate citizenship, with specific initiatives taken in all these areas.
In addition, a continued focus on engineering solutions for customers, is helping it maintain its position of a product pioneer.
Tata Steel believes in staying alert to future opportunities while never letting go of its core values. This is the philosophy that has underpinned its growth over the years and one that remains its key driving force.