The details of the training imparted on OHSMS in different areas during 03-04 are furnished below;

The training is conducted by SNTI & TMDC to employees and officers. The performance highlights for both SNTI & TMDC are furnished below.
Training provided at SNTI
Programme 02-03 03-04
Total number of programme 896 1195
Total number of training mandays 277484 319977
Participants covered 13868 17867
Average programme rating 4.65 4.68
Average faculty rating 4.52 4.65
Number of summer training candidate 979* 1217
*including training at TMDC (222)
Training provided at TMDCS
Programme 02-03 03-04
Total number of programme 243 320
Total number of participants 4610 6727
Total number of training mandays 12055 14425
Average programme rating 4.45 4.54
Average faculty rating 4.79 4.56
Number of officers nominated for external training programme 745 804
One year Foremanship Candidate 46 52