Most of the solid wastes generated from Steel Works are recycled/reused. Some of the waste like, sludges from BF gas cleaning plant and part of LD slag could not be recycled because of high alkali and high phosphorous content respectively. During the year 2003-2004, solid wastes utilization statistics including hazardous wastes are presented below in the table. Quantities of wastes utilized divided by the total solid waste generation gives the percentage utilization.

Utilization / Sale of Major Solid Waste
Item Usage Details 2002-2003 2003-2004
Tonnes % of
Tonnes % of
B F Slag Cement making 1057718 85.81 1137234 89.42
L D Slag Sinter making 722201 67.91 904585 74.77
B F Sludge Domestic fuel 34258 81.07 40610 88.37
L D Sludge Sinter making 78036 89.87 71166 72.56
Mill Scale Sinter making 55116 93.92 62130 91.22
Flue Dust Sinter & dom. Fuel 17709 23.84 19285 21.30
Lime Fines Sinter making 125617 100 109788 100
Dolo Dust Sinter making 2450 99.55 1715 100
Ref. Waste Sale 16927 100 11736 100
Tar Sludge Coke making 3045 100 3965 100
Oil Sludge Coke making 1273 100 875 100
BOD Sludge Coke making 698 100 1832 100
U/S Lime St. Sinter making 110654 100 151308 100
Mill Sludge Sinter making 4992 100 6188 100
Roll dust Sinter making - - 27 100
TOTAL 2230694 79.00 2522444 82
Hazardous Wastes Generated at Mines
Process Waste Quantity
Maint And Repair Work Oily Sludge
Oil emulsion (m3)
15.7 13.6
Lubricant Used oil 19.5 13
Batteries Used battery 76 42

At Khadoband Mines only 10 numbers used batteries were generated during reporting period. No other waste generated at this mine.

Hazardous wastes generated at Mines & Collieries are auctioned to registered recyclers and oily waste/sludge is land filled in secured landfills. The data on other wastes like scrap; glass, drums & barrels have not been captured and shall be reported in the subsequent reports.

18% of the solid wastes generated approximately 550000 tonnes (excluding hazardous wastes) during the reporting year was used for filling of low-lying area and peripheral road construction around Jamshedpur. About 200,000 tonnes of fly ash & bottom ash is generated in the Power Plants and it was dumped in Bara Dump Area. Packing wastes are segregated and auctioned. The details of hazardous wastes generation and utilization in Steel Works and bio-medical wastes for Jamshedpur are furnished below (details for other units will be furnished subsequent reports). Waste quantities are not weighed and reported based on average capacity of trucks/tankers/containers. The hazardous waste reported does not include all the parameters reported to State Pollution Control Board, as some of the wastes, which are recycled in the processes, have not been established as hazardous so far. Tata Steel has done characterization these wastes during the year 03-04 and only the following wastes have been found hazardous.

Hazardous Wastes & Bio-Medical Wastes
Hazardous Wastes in Steel Works
Sl. Waste Class Category Quantity Method of Disposal
No. (Indian Law) 02-03 03-04
1 Tar Sludge 1.8 3045 t 3965 t Recycled to Coke Plant
2 BOD Sludge 1.9 698 t 1832 t -do-
3 Cyanide Sludge (at Ring Plant) 11.1 22.4 t 21.25 t Treated in BOD Plant
4 Zinc Dross 16.3 1383 t 1807 t Sold
5 Chrome Sludge 17.1 13.52 t 5.4 t Protected landfill
6 Lube oil sludge/Coolant oil sludge 37.1 270 t 1235 t Recycled to Coke Plant/Power Plant
7 Lead acid batteries 41.3 1191 nos. 814 nos. Auctioned to registered recycler
8 Used lube oil 44.1 286 KL 439 KL Injected in Blast Furnaces to Coke Plant & Power Plant
Bio-Medical Wastes (TATA Main Hospital) Generation & Disposal Per Month (Average Quantity)
1 Human anatomical wastes 1 5420 kg 4604 kg Incineration – 100%
2 Micro-biological/bio-technology waste 3 6400 kg 659 kg Autoclaving – 100%
3 Waste sharps 4 5092 kg 7492 kg Incineration – 100%