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Financial highlights 2005 - 2006

Gross Sales (Rs. in crores) Operating Profit (Rs. in crores)

Operating Profit = Sales of Products &
Services - Excise Duty - (Mfg &
Other Expenses - Expenditure
transferred to Capital and Other Accounts)

Profit after tax (Rs. in crores) Net Debts / Equity

Net Debts = Secured Loans + Unsecured Loans + Deferred Tax Liability + Provision for Employee Separation Compensation + Long Term Guarantees (-) Current Investments (-) Cash and Bank Balances Equity = Share Capital + Reserves and Surplus - Miscellaneous Expenditure (to the extent not w/o or adjusted)

Earnings per Share (Rs. per Share) Return on Invested Capital (%)
Rupee Earned 2005-2006 (Rs. in crores)
Distribution of Revenue 2005-2006 (Rs. in crores)

Note: Figures in italics are in respect of the previous year.