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Tata Steel Adjudged Winner in 'Corporate Social Responsibility' by Procurement Leaders Forum

Jamshedpur, May 24, 2011

Tata Steel has been adjudged the winner in 'Corporate Social Responsibility' at the Procurement Leaders Forum. Procurement Leaders Awards is a benchmark for Global Procurement Excellence given by the Procurement Leaders Forum.Mr. Ranjan Sinha, Chief Procurement, Tata Steel received the award on 23rd May at The Brewery, London. Tata Steel India won this award for Corporate Social Responsibility from among the following short-listed nominees namely Coca-Cola Enterprises, CSM, Findus Group, Firmenich, Nokia, The Body Shop, Unilever, etc.

The award recognizes outstanding social, ethical, environmental, sustainable and community-centred initiatives. The judges reward the procurement team responsible for driving forward key corporate projects and the successful outcomes.

The Judging Panel assessed entries based on the following criteria:

  • The application submitted covers a project led by a procurement department (i.e. the entity spending its own resources in support of its mission through a procurement department)
  • The initiative meets application criteria
  • The initiative addresses a major organisational challenge
  • The solution is innovative
  • The procurement department exhibits leadership throughout the process
  • The results have an impact on the organisation's performance
  • The results are supported by validation
  • The application content is certified by an officer of the organization.

This is the second international recognition for Tata Steel in corporate social responsibility in a week. Last week the Company was declared as the 'Best in Corporate Social Responsibility' by Finance Asia, which is one of the most respected financial magazines in Asia.

The notion of social stewardship is integral to the company's business endeavours in the areas where it operates. Tata Steel in all its operations throughout the world has contributed to local and regional economic and social development in myriad ways.

About Tata Steel
Established in 1907 as Asia's first integrated private sector steel company, Tata Steel Group is among the top-ten global steel companies with an annual crude steel capacity of over 28 million tonnes per annum (mtpa). It is now the world's second-most geographically-diversified steel producer, with operations in 26 countries and a commercial presence in over 50 countries. The Tata Steel Group, with a turnover of US$ 23 billion in FY 10, has over 80,000 employees across five continents and is a Fortune 500 company. The Group's vision is to be the world's steel industry benchmark in "Value Creation" and "Corporate Citizenship" through the excellence of its people, its innovative approach and overall conduct. Underpinning this vision is a performance culture committed to aspiration targets, safety and social responsibility, continuous improvement, openness and transparency. In 2008, Tata Steel India became the first integrated steel plant in the world, outside Japan, to be awarded the Deming Application Prize 2008 for excellence in Total Quality Management.
